
Showing posts from January, 2016

Call Custom Service outside the CRM hosted website

How to call the Custom Rest/Webservice outside the CRM website in OnPremsies in CRM: Purpose:    Why we need to host the custom service inside the CRM rather than outside?         Reason behind this is if we host the custom service inside the CRM,if any crashes happen in the custom service it will affect the CRM application because of same application pool.If we host outside the CRM website this wont happen. 1.Create a REST service in Visual studio2013 using Web API 2. The following links helps you to enable CORS using nuget package console 3.Once u enable the  CORS  using above link,Publish the application and make sure all dll allow local copy set to  true in the properties. 4.Host the the custom service in separate website in IIS(ouside the CRM with Https enabled) 5.When ran the custom service through IIS to make sure it...

How big is the CRM database?

How big is the CRM database? As consultants, we often perform an analysis of CRM systems belonging to prospects or customers, perhaps because they have performance issues, they want to upgrade, or we need to understand more about their current implementations. If the CRM is on-premises, it is useful to find out about which out-of-the-box CRM entities are used, custom entities if any, number of records, and size of tables. You can find out all about this easily through few clicks and without having to write any T-SQL. Logon to SQL Server Management Studio Right-click on the CRM database (e.g. sandbox_CRM), then select  Reports > Standard Reports > Disk Usage by Table A report will be loaded in a new tab. This may take a couple of minutes depending on the overall size of the database. You can interact with the report then by sorting the desired columns, however my recommendation is to export this to Excel and perform further manipulat...