
CRM Automate build Solution using Powershell commands

In CRM if there is any solution movement from other enviornment like DEV,PROD,STG we use to export the solution and import the solution to the respective environment by logging into MS Dynamics CRM. This will tends to extra effort to do manually for developers or release managers. So what if release user or test user can build and deploy the Solution deployment without CRM intervention(CRM loggin in) We need to do some automate build and deployment. In this article i write about how Import/Export solution automate to the various environment without intervention of logging into MS Dynamics CRM. XRM CI Framework,this is one tool use to automate the build in CRM       Below link is for download the XRM CI Framework Download and extract the ZIP file . First HelloWorld example “WhoAmIRequest” 1.Open "Powershell" and "Run as a Administrator" 2.Navigate to Extrac...

How to show Filtered Lookup Dialog in Dynamics CRM through Script

How to show Filtered Lookup Dialog in Dynamics CRM through Script t We had a requirement where in we were supposed to show a Filtered Custom Lookup on form load. By Filtered Custom Lookup, it meant that we were supposed to create a Lookup dialog similar to CRM Filtered lookup (Filtered Lookup value changes on the basis of other Lookup on which it is dependent) dialog. The lookup has to be filtered on the basis of a value in the lookup field which was there on the form. Now the question was, how were we supposed to achieve this? We had already done a Lookup Dialog to show all the records for an entity, but this was something new and enthralling. We dived into it and after a few hours of R&D, we came up with a solution. This blog is entirely dedicated in explaining and implementing that solution. Let us begin with our entity structure which comprised of an entity called Contractor and it was in N:1 relation with Project and Payment Schedul...

Filter Lookup based on Form field

function onLoad() {     addEventHandler(); } function addEventHandler() {     // add the event handler for PreSearch Event     Xrm.Page.getControl("parentcontactid").addPreSearch(addFilter); } function addFilter() {    //find contact contains this    var email = "";     //create a filter xml    var filter = "<filter type='and'>" +                 "<condition attribute='emailaddress1' operator='like' value='" + email + "'/>" +                  "</filter>";     //add filter     Xrm.Page.getControl("parentcontactid").addCustomFilter(filter); }

Dynamically Disable Ribbon Buttons in Dynamics CRM

Dynamically Disable Ribbon Buttons in Dynamics CRM Today I had to dynamically disable a custom Ribbon button.  My rule needed to be based on fields on the form and based on the form mode.  I only want the button enabled on the Update form and only when a certain checkbox is checked. Here’s the steps.  These will work for CRM 2011 Ribbon buttons or CRM 2012 Command Bar buttons. To modify the CRM Ribbon / Command Bar I use the excellent  Ribbon Workbench  tool from Develop 1.  To use this tool download their solution file, import it into CRM and then open the Solution.  The Ribbon Workbench UI will launch.  You will be prompted to open a solution.   For best performance it pays to create a temporary solution that contains just the entity you wish to customize and the JavaScript web resources you need to refer to (if applicable). Here’s my custom Ribbon buttons as seen in Ribbon Workbench: You add custom ribbon buttons...

Considerations for CRM and SQL Server

Performance Implementing a fully-integrated marketing automation solution like ClickDimensions can reveal areas of your CRM deployment that require optimization. Depending on your usage of different feature areas of ClickDimensions, the volume of both data and queries against the CRM system can increase significantly. While ClickDimensions has no direct interaction with the SQL Server in a CRM deployment, poor SQL Server performance will impact the entire CRM deployment as well as the performance of integrated systems like ClickDimensions. Recommendations: Apply the latest update rollups for CRM and the most recent version of ClickDimensions. – CRM versions, updates and build numbers can be found on  Microsoft’s Premier Field Engineering blog . – Sign up to be notified about new versions of ClickDimensions  here . If you use CRM on-premise, make sure you have a regular maintenance plan established for your SQL Server. The maintenance plan should reorganize and rebuil...

Dynamics CRM 2011 Vs CRM 2013 Vs CRM 2015

Features CRM 2011 CRM 2013 CRM 2015 User Interface Contextual Ribbon Bar. CRM Functional groups like Sales, Services, Marketing, Workplace etc. are at bottom left of the home screen. Pop up windows are more. Ribbon Bar is replaced by top Command Bar CRM functional groups are now at the top of the CRM home screen. No pop up windows. Top Command Bar CRM functional groups are now at the top of the CRM home screen. No pop up windows More space for customer data Workflows Asynchronous Asynchronous/ Synchronous(Real time). The existing workflow execution model that supports asynchronous workflows has been extended to support real-time (synchronous) workflows. Real-time workflows are not queued, as was the case with asynchronous workflows, but execute immediately on-demand or in response to a message being processed by the execution pipeline. Real-time workflows participate in the database transaction and perform similar functionality to plug...