CRM Automate build Solution using Powershell commands
In CRM if there is any solution movement from other enviornment like DEV,PROD,STG we use to export the solution and import the solution to the respective environment by logging into MS Dynamics CRM. This will tends to extra effort to do manually for developers or release managers. So what if release user or test user can build and deploy the Solution deployment without CRM intervention(CRM loggin in) We need to do some automate build and deployment. In this article i write about how Import/Export solution automate to the various environment without intervention of logging into MS Dynamics CRM. XRM CI Framework,this is one tool use to automate the build in CRM Below link is for download the XRM CI Framework Download and extract the ZIP file . First HelloWorld example “WhoAmIRequest” 1.Open "Powershell" and "Run as a Administrator" 2.Navigate to Extrac...